NAILBA Perspectives 2021 Q3 | Page 26

Domino effect from page 24
With these systems in mind , we can consider the impact of emotional decisions , not just on the pandemic , but on a family ’ s long-term care event as well :
Heightened Stress
Emotional Competence Declines
Irrational Decision-making Increases
Physical and Financial Health Decline
The government is unprepared for influx of COVID hospitalizations and deaths .
Initial planning is haphazard , and delays implementation of response that would ’ ve saved lives .
Restaurant closures created ripple effects causing other businesses to make irrational decisions .
Rents or leases go unpaid . People face bankruptcy . Some restaurants close forever .
A family must scramble to determine how to provide care to a loved one .
The family panics and incorrectly concludes that to save money and provide care , family members must make sacrifices .
The oldest daughter quits her job to help provide care .
The daughter loses job opportunities at work . She builds less retirement income for herself . She misses significant events ; her physical and emotional health degrades .
Consider that most crises create multiple rash decisions , each creating their own domino effect of consequences . For governments that means overwhelmed hospitals . For families , it means loved ones rendering care that 52 % feel unqualified to provide . 5
We ’ re still experiencing how government pandemic responses are turning the tide as plans are still being developed . So , let ’ s instead imagine how things might look for the same family if they have a long-term care plan in place :
Manageable Stress
Emotional Competence Increases
Irrational Decision-making Decreases
Physical and Financial Health Increase
The family knows how and where someone wants to receive care . If insurance is part of the plan , they know how to fund it and access resources .
The family feels more in control and has the breathing room to make informed decisions .
Care coordinators help create plans to manage care . The oldest daughter might manage their care instead of providing hands-on care . She may still administer some care but might do so part-time by supplementing it with home health aides , adult day care , and respite care .
Caregiving does not severely impact the daughter ’ s health and finances . She can maintain her previous lifestyle while still ensuring her loved one is receiving proper care .
Why start planning now ? Failure to plan is planning to fail
With long-term care needs for Americans doubling to 24 million by 2030 , and a lack of available caregivers driving up service costs 6 , the time is now to plan . Already 53 % of home care providers reported serving more clients in 2020 than 2019 . And 43 % of providers expect client costs to increase by more than 5 % due to new health safety costs . 7
In an extended care event , it is the loved ones that are front-line workers . They will be the ones that are putting their own mental and physical health at risk to care for others . The opportunity is now to create a plan to provide resources for maintaining someone ’ s own physical , mental , and emotional health during the most trying of times . That is what a long-term care plan does ; equips families with the tools they need to cope with an extended care emergency .
26 Perspectives Q3 2021