NAFSA Region VI Summer 2017 Newsletter NAFSAsummer2017 | Page 7
2017 NAFSA Regional Conference Partner with us!
October 15 - 17 | Louisville, Kentucky
Join NAFSA Region VI and 400+ international educators from Kentucky,
Ohio and Indiana from October 15-17 in Louisville!
Our expo hall is open from 9:00am-5:00pm on Monday, and 9:00am to
11:00 on Tuesday. This year, the exhibit hall will host all coffee and snack
breaks, a poster fair, and lounge and meeting space, and almost 3 hours
of designated expo hall time. $575 includes one conference registration,
6’ skirted table with chairs, name and logo in conference materials, and
list of conference attendees.
Vendors can advertise in our print and electronic conference programs, and
on the conference app. ($150-$400)
We invite your organization to sponsor a conference highlight! Sponsors
are acknowledged on signage for each event, and receive one full page ad
in the conference programs, can select from premier exhibitor space and
all benefits of exhibiting.
* Sunday Night Opening Reception ($3500)
* Mon day Night Networking Event at the Kentucky Derby Museum ($3500)
* Monday's Networking Lunch the conference hotel ($2500)
* Tuesday's Awards Luncheon at the hotel ($2500)
* Coffee break throughout the conference (3) - The Monday morning break
will also include a Poster Fair. ($1500)
Contact Erin Brandyberry, Region VI Development Officer,
at [email protected]