In today's contested political environment we can see that change is in the air at the national and global levels. The NACD 's history shows we are no stranger to political upheaval, a blemish on an otherwise stellar record of safety, education, conservation, exploration and service. Since its beginning the agency has undergone change in many forms whilst somehow remaining consistent in core concepts. But, change is required if we are to grow, and, with change will come conflict. This is natural and unavoidable. How we handle change determines a successful outcome, or not!
In our 49th year the NACD is at a cross roads. To compete in today's diving industry we need to develop new programs, and teaching methodologies. Standards are consistently under review to adjust for changes to the cave diving landscape. All this, and still we must maintain some of those core concepts which historically led to the birth of the NACD. The NACD has seen a growth in our international instructor base. Would be cave divers no longer need come to Florida to learn cave diving. The for-profit training agencies focus their advertising on acquiring divers and continuing education. The NACD's current standards and procedures state that the goal of the NACD is not to encourage divers to cave or cavern dive but rather to aid interested divers in becoming safe cavern or cave divers. This is a far different approach to how the for-profit agencies conduct themselves. The for-profit agencies entry into the cave diving realm resulted in some tough competition and in some's view a questionable quality of the diver. No matter, the NACD must compete and continue to develop the highest quality of cavern to cave divers possible through our instructor base.
So yes, change is coming and by year's end there will be new programs in place, better communication to the membership and growth of the NACD as we head into the future.
This will take some work and thoughtful planning from a volunteer base of individuals who have dedicated themselves to this cause. There is much to be done.
All directors have made themselves available to the membership and any diver at any level of the cave community. The directors seek participation through an inclusive atmosphere of individuals from an international community willing to work towards a common goal.
You can contact the directors by visiting the website at: or using [email protected]
So, here we are, and, where we go is up to all of us.
Keep it safe
Rick Murcar
From the President's Desk