N. Texas Dentistry Special Issue 2014 Inside the Exceptional Practice | Page 27

Meet Our Team of Professionals ROBERT ARMSTRONG, 5HDO(VWDWH%URNHU Robert is an Associate with Fred R. Sutton Real Estate Services LLC, and is actively working with dentists, PHGLFDOGRFWRUVDQGRWKHUKHDOWKFDUHSURIHVVLRQDOVORRNLQJWROHDVHFRPPHUFLDORǸFHDQGUHWDLOVSDFHWR SXUFKDVHEXLOGLQJVRUFRQGRPLQLXPRǸFHVSDFHRUWREX\ODQGIRUJURXQGXSGHYHORSPHQW ERICK CUTLER, &HUWLîHG3XEOLF$FFRXQWDQW As a partner in Goldin Peiser & Peiser, LLP’sWD[GHSDUWPHQW(ULFNIRFXVHVRQWD[FRPSOLDQFHDQGFRQVXOWLQJ work in the healthcare and real estate industries, where he oversees the preparation of all annual federal and VWDWHFRPSOLDQFHDQGUHJXODUO\UHYLHZVWKHFOLHQWªVîQDQFLDOVWDWHPHQWV RICH NICELY, Practice Broker Rich is founder and president of Texas Practice Transitions, Inc., which provides dental practice brokerage services. Rich can assist dental practices with practice sales appraisals, mergers, partnerships, and structured buy-ins/buy-outs. MIKE PATTISON, ,QVXUDQFH%URNHU%HQHîW$GYLVRU 0LNHFXUUHQWO\VHUYHVDVD6HQLRU%HQHîWV$GYLVRUDWMarsh & McLennan Agency where he works with small WRPLGVL]HîUPVWRSURYLGHLQQRYDWLYHVROXWLRQVIRUWKHLUEHQHîWSURJUDPV BETHANY PETTY, Practice Consultant As the owner of Dallas Dental Consulting%HWKDQ\GRHVQRWDSSURDFKHDFKSUDFWLFHZLWKWKHVDPH§)L[,W Guide;” she evaluates the practice, talks with team members and listens to the dentist before making any suggestions. She truly provides a customized consulting plan. DUANE TINKER, Compliance Specialist 'XDQH LV 3UHVLGHQW  &(2 RI Dental Compliance Specialists, LLC. a company that specializes in helping dentists achieve compliance, control their liability and prevent the problems that cause them to lose sleep due to potential lawsuits for malpractice, government and insurance carrier audits/ investigations, OSHA DQG+,3$$YLRODWLRQVDQGRWKHUFRQFHUQV RANDY YAZBECK, Attorney Randy’s experience includes providing business and civil legal services in Dallas, Tarrant, Collin, Denton and numerous other counties in the State of Texas since 1978. His practice consists primarily of representing dentists in most aspects of their practice, including practice sales and acquisitions, leases, entity formation, DVVRFLDWH DQG HPSOR\PHQW DJUHHPHQWV DQG LVVXHV QRQFRPSHWLWLRQ DJUHHPHQWV %RDUG LVVXHV SDWLHQW issues, and other areas for which a dentist might need legal advice or services.