Mê Thú Cưng - Pet Magazine for Vietnam Số Tết | Số 6 | Tet Issue | Issue Six 2015 | Page 70

Mê Thú Cưng > Hướng dẫn Quyền chủ thú cưng 60 69 Living in Vietnam with our Dogs and Cats We are introducing a new column for pet (cat and dog) owners alerting people to some of the potential dangers and threatening situations in owning pets in Vietnam. At times it can be very challenging owning a dog or cat in Vietnam and you must be on guard for threats lurking everywhere. Never assume anything or take things for granted. Without sounding alarmist, it still possible to enjoy your life with dog, and cat in Vietnam, but there are some definite situations you should become aware for the safety, welfare and well being of your dogs, and cats. This column is coauthored by Me Thu Cung and other experienced pet owners in Vietnam, both Vietnamese and Expats. An ideal area in Vietnam used as a dog park can be seething with hidden potentail dangers to your dog! The Threat of Poisons are Everywhere for your Dog, and Cat By Zosimo Jimeno First, it always a good practice to always keep the leash on your dog during a walk and never let him freely roam an open park area, empty river side property, abandon constructions sites, unless you have checked the are firsthand or keep a stern eye on your dog. In Vietnam, while you are out with dog you must balance unleashed freedom and strict control of the leash of your dog in Vietnam. Never allow your dog to eat anything from the ground while in your presence; to accomplish 68 Số 06 | 2015 | petmagazine.vn this you must be firmly in control of your dog. Or, while in your house, if the dog bolts from your gate, get after her immediately and rein her in, the threat is high that there could be harmful substance in the neighborhood in the form of ‘laced bait’ from dognappers and / or careless placement of poison to kill rodents, insects (cockroaches, centipedes and others) and reptiles. Weedkiller is always present in public parks and probably in your neighbourhood streets an alleys. TOC | Bài đã xuất bản