Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine October 2021 | Page 110

To Table of Contents contemporary ways of a local people simply by the act of being in that locale .
To define these types of travelers , it is important to understand their motivations when traveling . ‘ Culturally interested tourists ’ or ‘ incidental cultural tourists ’ visit cultural attractions as part of a vacation rather than consciously planning to do so . For example , they may go and visit a local fair , simply because it was in the town they stopped in to have lunch . ‘ Culturally motivated tourists ’ or ‘ occasional cultural tourists ’ focus on culture as a major part of their trip , but do not choose their destination on the basis of specific cultural experiences . This would be equivalent to planning to stop at the same fair , but doing so only because it ’ s on the way to your next AirBnB . ‘ Culturally inspired tourists ’ or ‘ purposeful cultural tourists ’ top the rest as they consider culture to be the main goal of their vacation . Following the fair example , they would plan to visit it and stay in the town for several days to reap the full cultural experience of the fair .
How Can You Cater to These Types of Tourists ?
With tourists visiting destinations often just to see their local heritage , it is important to understand how to provide engaging , unique travel options . That ’ s why cultural tourism often comes in the form of a number of travel offerings that create a connected tourist experience . For example , heritage ‘ goods ’ such as historic buildings , literature , and art can often comprise sites or events on cultural thematic routes , cultural city tours , religious visits , and other types of trips . Whether a tourist is seeking a deep cultural experience or not , there are a wide range of activities that can be classified as cultural tourism and it is important for your destination to decide how best to maximize its cultural appeal .