Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine October 2017 | Page 29

ricane Irma Experience By then, the layer of wood on our walls were being uprooted, and the concrete structure that we were in, vibrated under the pressure and force of Irma. Water was coming in through the windows as a result of the torn-away shutters. This was now the case throughout the station - most of our shutters blew away and a window got smashed in. In the midst of all of the scattered debris and emergency calls, when the winds were calming down, I remember doing a live interview with the elders in the studio. At that time, even before seeing the damage to the rest of the island, they expressed that this was one of the worst hurricanes they had every experienced. I further reported to news corporations such as CNN, BBC, NPR and The Guardian to raise awareness of the situation on Anguilla and volunteered with the National Emergency Operations Centre as Public Information Officer. Many declared Irma a catastrophe. The aftermath on Anguilla was painful to witness. Almost nothing was left the same after Irma. Government buildings, businesses, hotels, transmitters, poles, trees, cars, houses were damaged. People were now homeless, and we were certainly all in full-on survival mode. It’s been weeks since Irma (23/09/17), we are still without electricity and running water. Children have not been able to return to school, and many employees are now temporarily unemployed. However, I do believe in the full restoration of Anguilla, and other nations who have been temporarily destroyed by either Hurricane Irma or Maria. Mélange asked Nisha what she perceives life after Hurricane Irma will be like for her ... “Truth be told, it is a great honour and I feel divinely blessed to have served my homeland at such a crucial time. I too suffer from ‘Chronic Restlessness’ like Barack Obama says in his Book ‘The Audacity of Hope’, hence I commit to not only the restoration and continued development of my homes (Anguilla and Dominica), but also to the wider Caribbean and extensively the Global community. I believe that attaining my first degree in Journalism and International Relations would allow me to do just that, and thus I am in pursuit of this. I also wish to continue building my online Ecommerce Pet Store ‘Nurtured Canine’. This too I hope will allow me the opportunity to donate to charities within Anguilla and Dominica as post Hurricane Relief.”