Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine July 2017 | Page 248

Fast forward 500 years. You are standing in a small taboui in the Kalinago Barana Autê, the model of a typical village of the Kalinago, the original inhabitants of Dominica. This model village (with a central karbay for cultural performances) lies in the protected Kalinago Territory on Dominica’s northeast coast, where roughly 3,000 Kalinago descendants live and still preserve their ancient culture. From the taboui you follow a circular, forested trail dotted with different lean-to structures that illustrate the unique architecture of these indigenous people. In some of these ajoupas, daily activities are carried out as they would have been by the original Kalinago: in the first ajoupa, a karipona grinds and prepares cassava (a starchy plant) to be baked into a flat bread. You jump at the chance to help mix the cassava and water in a large black kettle and then later sift the dried fibers in a giant pan, but fatigue and tiny beads of forehead sweat stop you before long. You wonder how women did this so easily (and regularly!) so long ago. Shaking your arms back to life along the breezy, shaded trail, you are relieved to know that in the next hut, you will simply watch as women deftly weave thin, reddish-brown strips of larouma reed (sometimes dyed black) into baskets, hats, mats, purses and other everyday items. Karbay - the main communal house for meeting, sleeping, and A few steps away, you notice a curious looking plant at the side of the trail. It looks like a prickly little wallet revealing red and white buds on the inside. Your guide explains that this would have been used to make dyes. Another small yellow flower with dullish green leaves locally known as “coupie” was eaten and also used for back and digestive ailments. A slender, bright green leaf plant you see everywhere was used to lower blood pressure. Your guide explains that the Kalinago lived in harmony with the surrounding nature, using its resources in medicine, food flavouring, and religious ceremonies. Weaving with the larouma reed