Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine APRIL 2019 | Page 674

life of Vincent Van Gogh played by and starring Kirk Douglas. In the film, Van Gogh would often mention the importance of drawing as the foundation for expressions in art, thus I drew as often as I could. That lead me to the appreciation of artist like Elizabeth Catlett and John Biggers. About the message he communicates in his art My need to express who I am is in relationship to myself, family, community and the world. I frequently use jazz themes and icons because jazz and the blues are very much reflective of my environment, but more importantly because music as a whole has a complementary relationship with the visual arts. Improvisational aspects of jazz allow great freedom to the musician. And even within the context of a free- flowing improvisational solo there is structure. The improvisational solo has its own unique language, its own vocabulary and grammar. Yet the improvisational solo remains significantly connected to the band, its music and its sound. No two solos are ever the same. It is within this context lies the aesthetic pulse of my works. In my work I strive for the same emotional, expressive and literal qualities that are found in jazz or the blues. It is this aspect of my work that gives it its voice and connects me to the work. About what art means to him Everything! About artist’s block vs distractions Distractions are a bigger issue. Some distractions are necessary and some are due to my inability to say no. For example, my biggest distraction right now is getting my home/ studio repaired. After the most recent hurricanes, the island took a tremendous amount of damage. We fared better than a lot of St. Croix residents, meaning we kept our roof. However, my studio which was not attached to the house received major damages as well as certain parts of the house. Even so throughout this whole ordeal I have manage to find time to capture experiences with my iPhone and to draw. About his strategies to overcome distractions An awareness of my goals as an artist. I’m not going to hit a home run every time I bat, not every painting is going to be a masterpiece. As the taxi driver responded to the musician when asked “How do I get to Carnegie Hall?”, the Driver said “Practice” I will always keep on painting in spite of any obstacles in front of me. About his creative process My technique involves a variety of paint mediums as well as chalks, pastels and oil sticks. I like the concept of merging painting with drawing and enjoy mark making. The use of colorful free lines and marks are key visual elements in my work which provides avenues for expressionistic mix media paintings.

 About his wife, Yemaya, also an artist In describing my Yemaya, I would call her an Alchemist on numerous levels, both emotionally and artistically. First and foremost, she is always supportive and encouraging. Like many artists, I can be moody, emotionally sensitive and express thoughts that many people just don’t get or understand, but she has always