Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine APRIL 2019 | Page 486

We’re in the business of making dreams come true Saba Island Properties will take your daydream and turn it into a life plan. “ Albert and Michael, you certainly had a big hand in us going from a day dream to a life plan (helping us fi nd the right land on Saba to build our home). You understand dreams, yet see what is real, and making the connection is a rare talent that requires emotional intelligence as well as practical knowledge and hard work. I for one am grateful for the work you guys do, and for making two new friends in the process.!” ~Olof Landgren, Saba property owner from Sweden You can have this too . . . Creating new memories, waking early with the blue Caribbean sea and sky and brilliant sunrises.. . all the things that bring out those sudden, deep, sweeping emotions of gratitude and wonder because you are living in paradise and it’s great to be alive. Make a life plan and throw your dreams into the air and see where you land. It could be on Saba, an exclusive Caribbean island.