Mélange Travel & Lifestyle Magazine April 2016 | Page 50
distribute alcohol to their revelers. Walk Holy on the
other hand, has a dedicated section in the band which
has the responsibility of distributing gospel tracts
and prayers as they proceed along the route. These
gestures are generally well received and there are
usually no gospel tracts littering the streets after the
band has passed. In recent years a social component
was added where this same section also distributes
tangible items to children and needy persons in the
crowd. School supplies, food and items for young
mothers and children and some of the things given
out and sadly at times, there isn’t enough. It is
heartbreaking for the band members to have to say
“we have no more”.
Walk Holy’s 40-foot music truck featuring a live band,
transforms typical worship music used in the church
into the soca genre of the festival. Worship from
the Walkholy Truck is infectious and the general
public highly anticipates its arrival on the road. They
gladly sing along with the soca-worship because
they already know most of the songs and the sweet,
professionally produced rhythm makes it irresistibly
Barbadians and visitors to Barbados line the streets
as early as possible to ensure they are able to see
Walkholy. Every year spectators walk the length of
the route to Spring Garden alongside this unique
band’s music truck.
Being associated with a premiere dance school on
the island, the band’s portrayals are usually well
choreographed and highly entertaining. If this was
not so, Walkholy will be just like any other band in
the festival, but they aim to be different because theirs
is a different message.
Walkholy is exceptionally different from the other
Kadooment bands. Many bands consist of “revelers”
dressed in very little clothing and doing what is
considered by some to be vulgar or sensual dances
(Barbadians call these dances “Wuk-up”). They also