To Table of Contents lighting would be better etc ., we hope to have customized experiences for all of the people who are going to be coming to us . And , we are not just making the building accessible , but we ' re going to have people with disabilities as part of the staff . We ' re trying to think of everything and we will make a mistake but we will fix the mistakes and make the hotel the best possible .
Why White Sulphur Springs ?
White Sulphur Springs , a city in Greenbrier County , West Virginia , has a population of under 2,500 . They offer intimate experiences , but they also have a lot to offer in terms of activities . There is Lewisburg airport only 15 minutes away that gets direct flights from Chicago and Washington DC . There are cultural activities within 15 to 20 minutes from here so we ’ re prepping the community that provides all of these activities and attractions because we want to make sure they ' re accessible . The people who come here won ’ t be sitting in their room watching TV all day . We want them to get out and go off-roading , kayaking , on hikes and play adaptive golf . While we are not going to accomplish everything they want , we ’ re going to try to anticipate everything as best we can . Everyone should walk away from the experience recognizing
A meal to look forward to at The Varsity Club which will be The Schoolhouse Hotel ' s restaurant
that we did our best and tried to accomplish everything they expected .
We are engaging the community and they embrace the hotel that is to come . Everyone on the project is local and have ties to the school for many generations - grandparents and parents were once students here . For many of them , the transformation of
Charlie Hammerman with West Virginia ' s Senator ,
Shelley Moore Capito
the school into the hotel is an emotional experience and they are already visualizing , with a lot of anticipation , what it ' s going to look like . We are injecting oxygen into a building that has been special to a community for many years . Their annual Dandelion Festival which was once held in the old school gymnasium , and has nothing to do with disabilities , will be hosted here on the same stage