Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine October 2020 | Page 74

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mobility aid . She is fearful that her position at her second job as a restaurant supervisor , may come to an end in the near future as her knees been to fail her . She has been with the establishment for four years working 8 and sometimes 12-hour shifts but her knees may no longer allow her to continue .
In spite of it all , Joshuanette remains in high spirits . “ I have my good days and my sad days ,” she said , but no one will ever know which is her sad day as her buoyant demeanor always belie her pain and discomfort . As the effectiveness of her knees begin to fade , her outlook on life has shifted . She remembers her pharmacist saying to her , “ you are taking this disease exceptionally light now , but someday you may not be able to walk . This disease has no cure , and it only gets worse .” Having always made light of her disease , thinking , “ I am young so I ’ ve got time on my side ,” her knees have given her a reality check and since her fall in April , working on a healthier version of herself is her focus . She is also on a path to “ do the most ,” she says , and if she ever gets to the stage where her mobility is lost , she wants to be able to relive her life via the content she would have created . This content is now being memorialized on an-going basis in what she calls , “ Joshuanette ’ s World ,” her YouTube Vlog .
“ I live on one of the world ’ s most beautiful islands - Antigua and Barbuda . It is known for sun , sea and sand , an island surrounded by 365 beaches ,” she said . Her doctor recommended physical therapy , incorporating exercises on the beach and even bike riding . Her Vlog , “ Joshuanette ’ s World ,” documents her trips to the beach for physical therapy – she intends to visit all of the 365 beaches on the island ! The Vlog highlights places she venture on her walks as part of her physical therapy . She will be visiting historical sites and other interesting places , one day at a time to explore as best she can , document and share it with the world .
Joshuanette wants to publicly share her journey to let people know , especially those on her island , that many others are living with Osteoarthritis and there is no need to be ashamed . People have many misconceptions about disabilities and she sees herself as an educator in this regard . As a teacher , young eyes and ears are entrusted to