A vast majority of people may not be aware of accessibility issues unless it impacts them personally , however , seamlessly integrated universal design ensures usability for everyone . According to Karin , “ making information available in as plain language as possible ; using fonts that are Sans Serif are easier for all to read ; encouraging less noisy , public environments ; decreasing the use of items like strobe lights in public spaces ; having appropriate floor markers and barriers which a cane user will be able to detect , and overall , just implementing as many modalities as possible with the aim of being as supportive of as many people as possible ,” should be the focus .
Ramps are obvious adaptations to accommodate wheelchair users , however other subtle enhancements are also utilized to create a more inclusive environment . Some of these
RHF Certified Gold May 28 2019 being presented to the Mayor of the city of Surrey by Rick Hansen
are in place throughout Metro Vancouver , resulting in an array of accessible dining , outdoor adventures , transportation and accommodations in what is proudly one of the most accessible cities in the world .
Metro Vancouver ’ s Translink has made an online tool available that will help people with disabilities comfortably navigate the transit system . Tools include videos and a virtual bus tour .
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