After spending more than 30 years as a Corporate Executive for Fortune 100 and Fortune 50 companies , FRED founded FJM Solutions , LLC , where he now focuses on serving underserved and under-represented populations , especially people with disabilities . He is a passionate , recognized leader in the international disability community and in Corporate America . As an advocate for people with disabilities :
• He is a Board Director and a Past Chair of the American Association of People with Disabilities
• He is a Director and Past Vice Chair on the National Easterseals Board of Directors
• He served on the Board Development Committee for The Arc of the United States
• He has served on three panels at the White House regarding issues that impact the lives of people with disabilities
• He has been the subject of many publications and for his accomplishments accomplishments as a person with a disability and for being a devoted champion for the disability population
Although having somewhat different experiences while growing up as people with disabilities , both agree that there is much more to be done for this demographic in the US and around the world .
The American with Disabilities Act prohibited discrimination against people with disabilities with respect to employment , public transportation , access to public buildings , and access to state and local programs and services . It removed most of the physical barriers that prevented people with disabilities from entering into most places , but , people with disabilities still face challenges .
Attitudinal barriers prevent people with disabilities from being employed . The unemployment rate for people with disabilities is more than double the national average unemployment rate in the US . And , sadly , it is legal to pay people with disabilities less than minimum wage , in some situations .
Disability advocacy therefore continues .
• He is an internationally renown accessible travel expert and keynote speaker
• He has delivered remarks on the world stage , including Dubai , Israel , and Canada
• He continues to consult with countries that include Israel , the Caribbean Islands , and will soon add a number of other countries to this list
• He is the Chief Operating Officer and partner at Travel for All
• He serves as Editor of Melange , Accessibility for All magazine
Judith Heumann Fred Maahs , Jr .
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