1 . I can tell you what works ( and what doesn ’ t ) Students with disability have a lot of experience overcoming barriers . They are experts about their needs and goals . But we found they are often not consulted by their teachers about what helps them at school .
As a high school student with low vision told us :
In primary school […] I had a teacher who wanted me to get a scribe or wanted me to write with a pen . She thought she knew best . It wasn ’ t the best . So , I think listening to the student is the most important part .
A parent of a high school student also explained :
Listen to and ask questions of the students . Don ’ t come with a preconceived idea of what a vision impairment is . Come willing to learn and to hear from the student how things impact them . It ’ s all about the [ teacher ] attitude and asking the kid ‘ look if you can ’ t access anything you just make sure you let me know ’.
2 . Have high expectations
All students need to take risks to be able to discover , learn and grow .
This is known as the “ dignity of risk ”.
Our research told us students with disability have the same goals for further learning and employment as their peers . So they need to take part in the same activities as their classmates and develop skills necessary for an independent future .
A parent of a Year 11 student said :
Students with disability are going to be working in a competitive job market so they need to be prepared for a level of productivity that is the same or better than their peers .
3 . I am more than my disability
For some students , their disability is primary to their identity . For others , it is one of many aspects that makes them unique . Either way , students want their teachers to know them as a student with interests , skills , and goals , not just a “ student with disability ”.
As one parent explained , a delicate balance is required :
You want to normalise [ the impairment ], but not normalise it too much , because it ’ s not nothing . But it ’ s something that can be managed .
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Accessibilty for All 27