Zainab has had 60 different staff people in the last couple of years .
The police have come to Zainab ’ s house more than 100 times between 2018 and 2022 .
Zainab ’ s mom Cynthia wrote an email that explains why the police come to Zainab ’ s house . She wrote :
“ The behavior following some of her seizures is extreme , she has kicked out the van windows , broken her bedroom window that was plexiglass , she will hit , kick , bite , pull hair .”
Zainab does not like taking medication . Her staff cannot hold her down to take it . So her staff call 911 to help . Zainab is getting better at taking medication on her own .
Zainab does not have a good quality of life .
Zainab ’ s staff do not talk with her very much . Zainab ’ s mom Cynthia has to ask them to help Zainab do chores around the house .
Zainab got bad burns on her hands at home . Her mom Cynthia could not figure out how it happened . Cynthia put cameras in Zainab ’ s home so she could see what was happening .
The cameras show that Zainab is alone a lot .
Zainab ’ s mom Cynthia said :
“ It ’ s heartbreaking to see Zainab sitting alone at the kitchen table eating a meal while three staff sit in the other room on their phones .”
Cynthia thinks Zainab can do a lot more .
Searching for solutions
Many people with complex needs like Zainab used to live in institutions . Institutions are large places where many people with disabilities live together .
Arizona ’ s institution is called the Arizona Training Program . It is 1 hour from Phoenix .
Arizona also has a state mental hospital in downtown Phoenix .
In the past , people who lived in institutions did not leave very
Zainab Edwards skates with her teacher Tammy Jimenez at the Ice Den , Chandler , Arizona . ( Rick D ’ Elia )
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