Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine July 2023 | Page 23

Twin sisters

Liz and Maddie champion the power of kindness and self-acceptance

In a world that often overlooks the beauty within , the extraordinary bond between twins Liz and Maddie stands as a testament to the power of love , care , and family . Liz , born with Goldenhar Syndrome , has faced unique challenges throughout her life , but her journey has been defined by resilience , kindness , and an unwavering determination to make a difference . Their story is a beacon of inspiration for people with disabilities , reminding them that they too can create meaningful change in the world .

From an early age , Liz understood that she looked different from other children . It was in kindergarten when she realized that her classmates had princesses who resembled them , while she felt excluded . Instead of succumbing to bitterness , Liz transformed this experience into a catalyst for positive change . She recognized her ability to influence and empower others who felt marginalized .
As Liz and Maddie grew up , their inseparable twin bond became a source of strength and support . One poignant memory was when Liz had surgery as a child , and Maddie , even at a tender age , took it upon herself to make their home a warm and loving space upon Liz ' s return . This early display of unconditional love set the foundation for their unwavering support of one another .
Liz ' s advocacy journey began to take shape in high school . With a close-knit group of friends and a growing sense of selfacceptance , she realized that she no longer needed to hide , or fear being seen . Maddie also played a crucial role in fostering
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Accessibilty for All 23