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Promoting the interests of the visually impaired www . blindsa . org . za
Reading braille
Led by Jace Nair , Blind SA exists to do whatever is necessary or conducive to empower visually impaired people to become economically self-supporting and to live a full and meaningful life as citizens of South Africa . They promote the interests of all visually impaired people through the provision of appropriate services . Their mission is to create an informed blind society ; enable the blind to gain meaningful employment ; enhance their quality of life , and incorporate them into everyday life . Approximately 2.1 million people are blind and partially sighted in South Africa .
There are 23 Special Schools for the Blind in the country and about 12,000 children with visual impairments are at mainstream schools . The majority of the learners at mainstream schools , however , do not receive assistance to cope with their disability . They do not have learner teacher support materials , assistive devices such as braille writing machines or low vision aids . Blind SA works assiduously to raise awareness and provide assistance for learners in special and mainstream schools . They also assist with students ’ registrations for tertiary institutions .
Cultural , religious and community stereotyping and beliefs provide a platform for discrimination and negative perspectives of the blind in South Africa . There is progressive legislation but implementation is slow .