Fred Maahs , Jr .
Editor ’ s Note
Greetings and Happy New Year !
Welcome to our first issue of Melange Accessibility for All magazine for 2021 !
This past year has impacted all of us in one way or another . For some , it meant being inflicted with the Coronavirus , for others it may have been the loss of a loved one due to the virus , or perhaps losing a job . We understand that it ’ s been difficult . It certainly has impacted the way we tell and share stories , especially with the travel and tourism industry essentially being closed for business . As we look ahead to the New Year , we are filled with optimism . A vaccine will help rid our cities of the Coronavirus . Businesses will bounce back after a long struggle . Travel will see a huge spike as people recover from imposed quarantines . And , the employment of people with disabilities will be looked at much differently because just about every community has shown it is possible to work from home , for those who require it , and still maintain a high level of productivity and accountability . We are hopeful that unemployment rates for people with disabilities drop sharply and this all-too-often overlooked viable workforce is finally seen as a force to be reckoned with !
We hope that you will continue to enjoy Accessibility for All magazine . Every three months , we ’ ll bring you stories of people who are making a difference in the world , and some may even have a disability . We ’ ll have articles about organizations and programs that serve people with disabilities and how you can get involved . And , yes , we ’ ll also feature destinations from all over the world that are accessible , or at least claim to be , and give you real-life feedback from the travelers to those places .
We want to make it all real , all relevant , and we certainly appreciate your thoughts . If you have an idea for an article , or you want to invite us to visit your city , country , resort , or place of interest so that we can write about it and share it with our audience , please let us know at fmaahs @ readmelange . com .
@ FredMaahs
Publisher : Mélange Magazine Publications Editor in Chief : Debbie Austin Editor : Fred Maahs , Jr .
Advertising : Benny Hillman bhillman @ readmelange . com
. Comments
. Share a story
. Contribute an article email : editor @ readmelange . com
We try to present information that is current and accurate , but errors can occur . If you ’ ve found an error in the magazine , please email : Fred Maahs , Jr . fmaahs @ readmelange . com
Mélange Accessibility for All magazine is published four times per year by : Mélange Magazine Publications , 300-3665 Kingsway , Vancouver , BC , Canada V5R 5W2 .
© 2021 Mélange Magazine Publications . All rights reserved .