Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine January 2021 | Page 23

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A woman pushing a cart at work
We help young children of all abilities achieve their goals in cognitive , social / emotional , communicative , adaptive and physical development . Our Child Development Center Network is the largest nonprofit provider of inclusive childcare in the United States .
A girl walking between two therapists
Easterseals workforce development programs nationwide provide skills assessments , training , job coaching and placement for people with disabilities
Kids playing on mat being read to by teacher
We provide services for young adults transitioning into adulthood including employment training , coaching and placement ; transportation ; in-home care ; and camping and recreation . Additionally , Easterseals ’ adult day services , in-home supports and services , community mobility options , wellness programs and support for family caregivers help people live as independently as possible for as long as possible .
A woman on a computer at work
Finally , Easterseals specializes in identifying the needs of veterans and military families , particularly with employment , job training , mental health services and other support like family respite .
It is through strong corporate partnerships and generous philanthropic donations that we are able to serve more than 1.5 million people annually across the country .