Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine February 2024 | Page 67

such as cerebral palsy or autism spectrum disorder , but can also manifest later in life as a result of progressive disorders such as motor neuron disease , throat cancer , muscular dystrophy or strokes .
Increased acceptance of the use of AAC technologies in general society can enhance the quality of life for people with speech impairment by increasing autonomy , leading to more positive social interactions , better engagement in education and confidence in employment .
The Accessible Canada Act recognizes communication as a priority area , while the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities promotes the rights of autonomy , safety and social participation , and recognizes communication as a human right .
Tackling stigma . However , even if people have access to AAC technology , they can still face stigma and exclusion . Here are some things we can all do to be more inclusive of people with impaired speech : more patient and understanding of speech disabilities . In social situations , they might often be underestimated and treated as children even though they are capable and competent . Show them respect , even though they may sound different when they talk .
Pre-programmed sentences on a tablet or speech generating device do not suggest that the person is incapable of developing those ideas . They may have spent 20 minutes typing out those messages in an attempt to meet the fast-paced environment in which we all live .
Take time to listen . Individuals with speech impairment may need to type out phrases one letter at a time . Some may use a smartphone or iPad with a texting app , while others use an eye-tracking device or brain-computer interface to select letters using an on-screen keyboard . Be patient and wait for the person to speak .
As one occupational therapist noted , “[ A problem ] I often find some of my clients run into is not being given enough time to get their message written down . They ’ re composing it and
Start with basic respect . Understand that cognition and lack of verbal speech are not correlated . Many people with speech impairments have no cognitive deficits at all and are just as intelligent as anyone else . They want others to be
Alternative and augmentative communication includes all means of communication that a person may use besides talking .
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Accessibilty for All 67