Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine February 2023 | Page 6

Editor ’ s Note

Fred J . Maahs , Jr .

Greetings !

Welcome to this February issue of Melange , Accessibility for All , magazine .
As I reflect on this past year I must acknowledge the increase in conferences , summits , symposiums , webinars , and other gatherings that discussed and even focused on accessible and inclusive travel , and even more broadly , people with disabilities . I honestly feel we are making progress . It may not be as quickly as we want , but it does feel like progress . There are a number of things we can point to that are creating more buzz . In my opinion , more people with disabilities and their advocates are standing up and speaking out about what ’ s important and meaningful to them . I also feel more and more businesses are beginning to understand and realize the importance of inclusion and some even doing more to weave it into their business practices . I also feel many are finally realizing the impact of the Purple Dollar – the spending power of people with disabilities and their families and caregivers . Whatever it is , it ’ s happening .
I also want to acknowledge the future and what ’ s ahead of us . While there is still so much more work to be done when it comes to the rights of people with disabilities , inclusion , equity and access , I am optimistic and I feel 2023 will be a game changer for us . Already , Queensland has declared that 2023 will be the Year of Accessible Tourism and Purple Tuesday will expand its reach into more countries to help businesses better understand the customer experience and the value of the Purple Pound . The momentum is building and the future is brighter for us .
In this issue of Mélange , we celebrate the many people , organizations , and technologies that impact the lives of people with disabilities . You will read stories from Africa , the U . K . Nepal , Canada , the U . S . and more . We could not be more excited to bring you these stories !
And , don ’ t forget our newest magazine , Mélange Accessible Journeys . In this latest Melange digital magazine , we share stories from all around the world about accessible travel destinations written and experienced by people with disabilities . In each issue of Mélange Accessible Journeys , you will find personal , firsthand accounts of what each traveler experienced during their journey . It is a resource for anyone of any ability who wants to take an accessible journey ! We hope you enjoy it !
The New Year will help get us closer to the success we all work so hard for – equity and inclusion for all . Keep using your voice and sharing your stories with us . Together we are stronger and we thank you , our readers . We will continue to make it all real , all relevant , and we certainly appreciate your thoughts . Let us know if you have a product you want us to write about . Invite us to visit your city , country , and place of interest and share it with our audience . You can reach me at fmaahs @ readmelange . com .
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Fred J . Maahs , Jr . is an internationally-renown disability and civil rights champion who believes in and advocates for the rights and access for all ! A recognized leader and former corporate executive , he ’ s also an International Keynote speaker , collaborator , and an international accessibility travel expert .
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