Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine April 2023 | Page 39

What does a Changing Places New Zealand room look like and what sets it apart ?
Jenn : Changing Places in New Zealand differs from others worldwide [ in Australia and the U . K .] because our rooms are designed by somebody who uses them . I use these rooms . I ' ve checked my designs with hundreds of other people who need these rooms . I ’ m probably the only subject matter expert in the design of these rooms , from a user point of view worldwide .
The standards include : 12m ² ( minimum ) with a wall- or ceiling-mounted hoist , heightadjustable change table , privacy screen and a toilet set away from the wall .
We also put artwork in all our rooms to avoid that clinical feel . The layout gives users the function needed to perform the care . The artwork says they ' re genuinely cared about .
Access to our rooms is restricted to registered users to keep out people that don ' t need them or who might damage [ the rooms ] or themselves .
Who benefits from these rooms ? Why ?
Jenn : The people needing the care : They get to leave their houses and participate in activities and outings like everyone else .
The carer : Specialized equipment
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Accessibilty for All 39