Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine April 2023 | Page 12

Instead of seeing obstacles as something to avoid or overcome , I began to view them as chances for growth and new possibilities .

From struggle to opportunity

How reframing your mindset can transform your life By Christine Staple Ebanks

Have you ever found inspiration in unexpected places ? I know I certainly have . Sometimes , it ' s in the midst of the struggles we face that we discover our inner strength , resilience and determination . During these tough times , we learn to see things from a different perspective , find creative solutions to our problems and appreciate the small blessings in life .

I will never forget when my fourth child was diagnosed with a congenital diaphragmatic hernia while I was still pregnant . It was overwhelming , and fear and uncertainty filled me . Looking back , however , I find inspiration in the strength and resilience my family discovered during that challenging time . When my baby was born , the experience was intense and traumatic , but the support of our loved ones helped us find hope and comfort .
At nine months old , we received another diagnosis — cerebral palsy . I struggled with guilt , fear and uncertainty about my identity as a parent and a person for years . The diagnosis was difficult to pronounce and understand , and I felt lost . But with time , I learned to lean on my support system and embrace the journey ahead with compassion and strength .
It wasn ' t until my son was two and a half years old that I had a turning point that helped me see problems as opportunities . Instead of seeing obstacles as something to avoid or overcome , I began to view them as chances for growth and new possibilities . By reframing my mindset , I discovered new solutions and transformed my life . I realized that every problem presents an opportunity to learn , adapt and make positive changes . I also found companions who had been through similar experiences , which made me feel less alone on my journey . Ultimately , I learned to see my journey as a gift and regained control of my life .
From my experiences , I want to share three lessons that helped me along the way .
Lesson # 1 – Reframe your mindset When faced with challenges , it ' s important to remember that you can change your situation . One way to do this is by shifting your mindset . We can develop greater resilience , creativity and problemsolving skills by focusing on opportunities for growth and joy in every struggle . This mindset can also help us find greater meaning and purpose . Some questions we can ask ourselves are : How can reframing our mindset help us find meaning and purpose in our lives ? How can we identify our values and passions and
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