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As restrictions have begun to ease over recent months- and the covid world we came to knew has begun to fade- I have taken time to reflect on the last two years . A lot has happened in my life , I graduated from my BA hons degree , published my first book , moved into my first flat , started new jobs .... all of which made harder by the climate we all found ourselves in . I learned so much about myself , but truthfully , the one thing I learned was something I thought I already knew .
And that was how to be little . Let me explain .
When lockdown began , I knew many challenges laid ahead . As I said- there I was with a degree to finish , a dissertation to write , a job which now needed to take place from home .... and all whilst being in a different country ( technically ) from my family . The first few days felt like a whirlwind as I ’ m sure it did for many , this was all new , what was I supposed to do ? And how the hell was I supposed to feel ?
I tried to build myself a routine , started to find my feet but often a few days into feeling organised , I ’ d lose my mojo and be back to the beginning again , I guess that ’ s how lockdown emotions work , Somedays you feel like you have it all together , and others .... well .... you ’ re lost . Lost in this whirlwind of uncertainly .
For all the reasons mentioned above , I knew lockdown was going to be tough . But before I could even comprehend facing my degree . Before I even thought about opening a textbook . Before I could even think about trying to thrive in this newfound environment , we had found ourselves in ... I had to learn the basics .
Moving away from home was a huge transition for me , and a hurdle that made me jump higher than I ever thought possible . I learned the full extent of what it was truly like to be small in today ’ s society .... or so I thought ! Because lockdown- was about to reinforce that even further . For the last 7 months of living away from home , I had been blessed to live with the most supportive flatmates , surrounded by incredible support networks in the form of friends , colleagues , and tutors , who I knew should I ever need it , they ’ d be there .
Apart from this time they weren ’ t . It was just me .