Meet Nadav Bernstein and Tamar Schapira two entrepreneurs working in the accessibility space for over twelve years .
Nadav Tamar
Tamar describes herself as an ambitious , motivated and results driven social entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in management and business development . She and her husband , Nadav , are passionate about identifying social problems and creating solutions that have the potential to become successful businesses and positively impact society .
Prior to developing SenseIT in late 2018 , the entrepreneur couple owned an accessibility consulting firm working with clients in various sectors to ensure digital accessibility specifically for digital products defined as ‘ Software as a Service ’ ( SaaS ).
They worked endless hours testing and auditing software systems , e-commerce sites , complex web applications for accessibility . The process was agonizing . Mainly for their clients . But also for their team .
The agony is due , in part , to the time and dedication of both the client and team . Yet , it was also a time consuming and tedious process to ensure that a product was tested , remediated , and maintained , regularly . Tamar and Nadav understood that this process was inefficient and searched for ways to automate their work . It took years of research and development to get to where they are today .
SenseIT was founded to ensure that digital accessibility can be implemented as early as possible in the product development cycle . The company developed the product with the product manager and developer in mind . SenseIT is a Software as a Service automated testing platform that emulates the user with disability experience . This allows SenseIT to detect critical accessibility barriers since the tool knows to test a digital application from the user ’ s perspective .
The company offers organizations the ability to test their product ( website or application ) early in development covering up to 70 % of the requirements . SenseIT is an enterprise grade solution for software companies that are required to comply with global digital accessibility regulations . The product is built by subject matter experts and software engineers seeking to create an efficient and reliable solution for testing , remediating , and maintaining digital accessibility .
SenseIT integrates into the development system , meaning , the platform can test for accessibility before a product is released to market . The time and cost savings are enormous for today ’ s organizations that are undergoing or underwent digital transformation . Whether the client is developing software in a highly regulated space such as the airline and hotel industry ; or , our clients are selling to enterprises and organizations that require digital accessibility compliance ( such as the financial and government sector ), SenseIT meets their need .
SenseIT is looking to partner with companies that develop software solutions for the travel industry and have an interest in ensuring that these products are accessible , always .
For more information and partnership inquiries , email tamar @ senseit360 . com
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