Mélange Accessibility for All Magazine April 2022 | Page 17

Incorporate music in everyday lessons
Consider teaching from an elemental perspective
Educate your child with music online
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For example , there was one student who was unable to speak but could hum melodies . I gradually realized that she hummed different tunes for the emotions she was feeling , even though she couldn ’ t communicate them verbally . Her eyes always matched her emotions as she hummed the story she couldn ’ t tell .
Another student with Asperger ’ s disorder took private piano and composition lessons with me . He could talk , but he couldn ’ t explain how he felt . On days he felt sad , he played a piece of music he had composed to express it . Likewise , he had composed pieces for happy , angry and lonely .
Studies show that children with autism can understand both simple and complex emotions in music and are more responsive to sensory stimulation compared with other children – especially in music , even over speech or noise . This may explain why some children with autism are musical savants .
Musical emotions aren ’ t understood the same way as regular emotions . They don ’ t require complex facial expressions or a “ tone of voice ,” which are particularly difficult for children with autism to recognize . Musical emotions are easier for children with autism spectrum disorder to grasp because they are a less socially complex .
Incorporate music in everyday lessons
Music can have a positive impact on children with autism in several ways . Educators can use songs to reinforce speech in students with autism that struggle with language . One technique is to sing with vocabulary cards in order to teach vocabulary skills . Research shows that singing can considerably improve language skills in students with a type of autism that has language delays .
Educators can also use music to help a child with autism recall important information when the information is linked with a musical sound , like a melody or rhythm . One critical study found that music can be used to focus students ’ attention , keep those with disabilities on track and decrease their anxiety from stress . Just as important , providing opportunities for positive emotional responses to music for children with autism can help them reach their social and language goals .
Consider teaching from an elemental perspective
lack of tolerance to everyday sounds , which can impact their ability to handle loud or complex music .
One way to assist children who struggle with this sensitivity is to simplify their music by using separate musical elements . Let me share one possible teaching example . Beginning with a song , the educator could teach in stages by isolating pitches on the piano first . As the student becomes comfortable with the first element , the educator could slowly introduce the others one at a time .
If one element became too much for the child to tolerate , the educator would remove that element from the mix .
Once the child could accept all the elements , that would signal that the child was listening to whole music , was ready to move to more challenging music and could begin again with the element cycle . Using this strategy , both the educator and the child learn what musical sounds the child can handle .
Educate your child with music online
Resources are available online