Mèlange Accessibility for All Magazine October 2023 | Page 64

Alexandria Police Department school resource officers walk through T . C . Williams High School in June 2021 . The City Council voted in 2021 to pull funding for school resource officers and then reversed itself five months later . ( Matt McClain / The Washington Post via Getty Images )

Schools target students with disabilities for discipline ‘ too often ’

New federal guidelines remind schools that special educators and mental health professionals are better equipped to deal with student struggles than police .
By Corey Mitchell
New federal guidelines aimed at reducing high rates of discipline for students with disabilities affirm that schools are responsible for the discriminatory behavior of police and school resource officers on campus .
That includes incidents when schools refer students to law enforcement , an action that can lead to school-related arrests , criminal charges , fines or citations that require them to appear in court .
The Center for Public Integrity ’ s
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