Mèlange Accessibility for All Magazine October 2023 | Page 62

easier it is to counter inaccurate narratives , and to create more positive ones .
It is also important to call out poor representations , and to applaud good ones . The more critical people are , the more pressure the media will feel to accurately portray communities that are stigmatized - the disability community and people living in poverty among them .
In your role , you likely interact with various stakeholders , including policymakers and advocacy groups . How do you collaborate with these entities to bring about positive change for the disability community ?
Unfortunately , people with disabilities are still small fish on the agenda of policymakers .
There are a few reasons for this , and one of them is a lack of awareness about the issues people with disabilities face .
Handing out copies of the Vancouver Community Pocketbook to seniors
The media plays a significant role in shaping public perception . How do you strive to challenge stereotypes and promote more accurate representations of people with disabilities through BC Disability ?
One of the main ways is to share the stories and perspectives of people with disabilities . The more these are highlighted , the
For example , I had numerous meetings with MLAs about the province ’ s clawbacks to disability assistance based on spousal income , and many of them were unaware this situation even existed . Without knowing a problem exists , elected representatives are highly unlikely to pursue reform in these areas , so it is crucial to
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