Mèlange Accessibility for All Magazine October 2023 | Page 58

A Conversation with Spencer van Vloten

A Conversation with Spencer van Vloten

Spencer van Vloten is a nationally published writer , community advocate , and editor of BCDisability . com . He is a recipient of the BC Medal of Good Citizenship , BC Achievement Foundation Community Award , Vancouver Excellence Award , and was named the Rick Hansen Foundation Difference Maker of the Year . You can find more of his work at SpencerV . ca or follow him on X at @ SpencerVanCity
Can you tell us about your personal journey and what inspired you to become an advocate for people with disabilities ?
My older cousin has cerebral palsy , which impacts his speech and significantly limits his mobility in all but one arm .
Growing up I looked up to him like he was Superman , because we would arm wrestle and he was so much stronger than me , but then I also started seeing the barriers he faced and the frustration it caused him . When I was younger , I struggled to understand why he had to go through this , and I promised myself that I would help make society more equitable for him one day .
As I got older and developed a stronger grasp on the system factors behind inequality ,
Spencer van Vloten
" Be kind to each other – we can accomplish more together than if we are divided and bickering ."
I became more active in community organizations and campaigns advocating for people with disabilities . Through this work I noticed some especially prominent barriers faced by people with disabilities , with poverty and inaccessibility – of physical spaces , information , attitudes – being two of them .
My work since has focused significantly on these areas , and I am happy to see my cousin doing well and living independently – he even does adapted skydiving !
Share with us some of your accomplishments , awards and recognitions you ’ ve received over the years
For community advocacy and my writing on inclusion I have been awarded the City
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