and my mental health . To a nondisabled ally , we really need your help . I ’ d say educate yourself , learn about disability pride and disability history and learn from disabled people . Share things on social media , ask your workplace to host a disabled speaker , ask if restaurants / venues are accessible when you call , call brands and businesses and the media when you see they aren ’ t being as inclusive as they could be . Us disabled folk are strong , but we are so tired of fighting and often being completely ignored despite being the biggest minority in the world that anyone can find themselves in overnight .
always use more positive role models in this world of every background and I think that will always unite people .
What can we expect to see from you in the next year ?
Unfortunately , this year hasn ’ t been a great one for me as I ’ ve been quite unwell both physically and mentally . So , my hope for the next year is to find more balance and to actually put myself and my health first for a change . I ’ m always coming up with millions ofideas for different things I want to do , but I ’ m not always great at being able to follow through . So , I don ’ t want to make any promises . You never really can when you live with chronic illnesses . But I would really love to meet more of the community in person and I ’ ll always try and do whatever my community would like to see from me as best I can .
What message would you like to share with the world about the importance of inclusivity and the power of the arts , such as acting , to unite people ?
I think performing is such a powerful , important thing whether it ’ s in the traditional ways of getting up on a stage or thingsI do much more of like making little video skits to try and educate nondisabled people about disability . It often makes a different impact presenting things to people in a different way so they can understand something differently . And the power of inclusivity especially in representation gives so much power to younger generations to have a much better self image and understanding of others than we did as kids . We can
There ' s no greater accomplishment for me than knowing I ' ve made a difference in someone ' s life ...
~ Jenni Pettican
12 Accessibilty for All