Mèlange Accessibility for All Magazine October 2023 | Page 10

something to work towards and was a way of getting back into the swing of things before I went back to uni and had deadlines again . As I opened up more and more about my experiences , I found a whole amazing community of people like me and vlogged my whole university experience as a student with disabilities . I then started sharing hacks and tips I ’ d learned through my experiences and people loved them which is when I started more on Instagram and TikTok with my hacks for spoonies series and mobility aid confidence tips and more recently have had a focus on educating nondisabled people about disability and helping disabled people have the right words for those difficult and ableist conversations . I ’ ve been so lucky and grateful to be recognised for my work with various awards and working with brands to be the representation for other disabled and chronically ill women that I didnt get to see when I was first diagnosed .
What is your most proud accomplishment to date ?
There ’ s no greater accomplishment for me than knowing I ’ ve made a difference in someone ’ s life whether that ’ s helping someone feel a little less alone , introducing them to a new hack or product which will help them , giving them confidence in their mobility aids or simply being that disability
10 Accessibilty for All