How Vet Tix supports Veterans ' mental health
Give something to those who gave
Vet Tix ( Veteran Tickets Foundation ) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to providing free event tickets to United States military veterans and their families . Since its founding in 2008 , Vet Tix has distributed tickets toa concerts , sporting events and theater performances , helping veterans create lasting memories while overcoming social isolation and financial barriers . The program builds community connections and honors veterans by offering opportunities for entertainment , reconnection with loved ones and fellow service members .
The idea for Vet Tix came about in 2008 when founder Michael Focareto attended the Super Bowl and noticed that many seats were empty , while members of the color guard , invited to present the colors , had no seats to watch the game . This observation sparked the organization ’ s creation and since then , the program has grown steadily and made significant strides , particularly after 2013 , when it gained partnerships with major sports teams such as the Arizona Diamondbacks . Today , Vet Tix has distributed nearly 25 million tickets to over two million members across the United States , including currently serving military members , veterans from all eras and Gold Star families . Impressively , the organization maintains administrative costs under 1 %, ensuring nearly all funds go directly to supporting veterans .
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