a review published in September in Current Cardiology Reports .
There is currently no standardized validation protocol to assess the accuracy of cuffless devices , as required by the US Food and Drug Administration , although several of these developments have already received marketing authorization in the US . The European Society of Hypertension , for its part , has issued guidelines that emphasize that , for now , cuffless devices should not be used to make diagnostic and treatment decisions . “ The potential clinical value of cuffless blood pressure measurement is enormous . However , the caveats are equally large ,” says James Sharman , an expert in blood pressure measurement methods and an exercise physiologist at the University of Tasmania in Australia .
Before wider use can be advocated , it will be necessary to test whether cuffless devices make accurate recordings and whether they have clinical superiority to the current standard of blood pressure measurement , as well as to determine how they would integrate into current medical practice , Sharman adds . In addition , since each device has its own algorithm and method for estimating pressure , each should demonstrate its performance separately .
This work is already underway .
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