WARNING ! THE MATHS ON THIS PAGE COULD ACTUALLY KILL YOU … If you happen to be an ancient Greek bigmouth who can ’ t keep a secret . Otherwise , you ’ re fine .
AAAAchooooice of excellent puzzles Our friend Sneeetch has been busy making crop circles but it seems to have given him an attack of the sniffles . He ’ s only gone and sneezed alien goo all over our beautiful magic number square ! Can you help him work out what the missing numbers are , before … oh no … here comes another ! It ’ s Brainfeeders !
A prime location Calculata ’ s staying at Hotel Infinity , and the name has nothing to do with the pool . That ’ s right , this establishment has an infinite number of rooms . What ’ s the first rule to follow when staying at Hotel Infinity ? Make sure you ’ re always first at the breakfast buffet . And what ’ s the second rule ? Never EVER unpack ! Find out why , here .
Murder at Mallory Mansions You ’ re enjoying a murder mystery weekend at a luxury clifftop hotel , when , duh duh daaaaaaaah ! A dastardly crime is committed . Can you examine the clues to tell us who dunnit ?
Shhhhh TOP SECRET ! Aquila ’ s investigating numbers stations , here .
AQUILAnews and Ian !
Danger on The Ridge Anna ’ s insistent . Another shake is coming . She and Sully must risk everything and chance the bridge across the ravine – or what ’ s left of it – before it strikes . Can Sully conquer his panic attacks and get them both to safety ? Find out in Sully and the Ropes , Freya Hardy ’ s gripping new short story .
Illustration : Isabel Otten