Check www . englewoodlibrary . org for dates .
Mondays , starting July 2 , 10 a . m ., ages infant - 2 years
Fridays , starting July 6 , 10:30 a . m ., ages 3 - 5 years
Libraries Rock ! Wednesday , June 27 , 4 to 6 p . m . Outdoors , weather permitting . Join us for registration , refreshments , and activities .
Participation in the Summer Reading Program is open to all children in Englewood ages 4 through entering sixth grade . Registration begins Monday , June 25 , on the Beanstack site and concludes Wednesday , Aug . 15 . Register in person or online at https :// englewoodlibrary . beanstack . org .
6:15 pm , ages 6 & up
July 10 - Rock Collecting and Rock Tumbling July 17 - Dinosaurs Rock ! July 24 - Bottle Rockets July 31 - Snap Circuits August 7 - Beach / Campfire Theme-related books and activities each week .
July 11 , 18 , 25 ; Aug . 1 , 8 , 15 Wednesdays , 3:45 to 5 p . m ., ages 5 & up This program is for children registered in the Summer Reading program . The first half hour is B-I-N-G-O followed by crafts .
July 3 , 10 , 17 , 24 , 31 ; Aug . 7 Tuesdays , 3 to 5 p . m ., ages 5 & up Children are paired with a teen volunteer for 20-30 minutes of reading together .
Thursday , July 5 , 4:40 to 6 p . m ., ages 7-12 Join artist Michael Albert for an amazing afternoon of creating your own collage .
Thursday , July 12 , 4:30 p . m ., ages 5 - 9 Decorate your own guitar using stickers , glue , sequins , gems , and your imagination .
Tuesday , July 24 , 2:00 pm , ages 3 - 6
Yo Boo = Yoga Bootcamp An exciting and new program for the little people in your life . Registration recommended as this program is limited to 25 .
Thursday , Aug . 2 , 5:30 to 7 p . m . ages 7 - 12 Fossil Finding Scavenger Hunt Professor Paleo lost his fossils . He needs helpers to decode the clues and dig up the fossils . Helpers include readers & non-readers alike .
Kickoff Party Libraries Rock ! Wednesday , June 27 , 3 to 5 p . m . Teen Zone Come decorate a rock . Bring your own rock , or paint one of ours .
Tech Roots Mondays , 3 p . m . Teen Zone July 16 , 23 , 30 ; Aug . 6 , 13 , 20 Students will learn how to create their own personalized website . They will be taught about HTML , CSS , and JavaScript as well as how each respective language is used to create a complete webpage .
Paper Crafts with Yvonne Thursdays , 11 a . m . Teen Zone July 5 , 12 , 19 , 26 ; Aug . 9 , 16 Learn to make sturdy household decorations using paper .
Teens Talk about Books Fridays , 3:00 pm Teen Zone June 29 ; July 6 , 20 , 27 ; August 10 , 17 Come share what you are reading and share ideas with other teens .
Aromatherapy Tuesday , July 10 , 7 p . m . Mackay Room Learn about natural plants and essential oils that can be used to calm and soothe you .
Art Collage with Michael Albert Wednesday , Aug . 22 , 3 to 5 p . m . Teen Zone Create a large-scale collage , using magazine cut-outs with artist Michael Albert .
Earn service credits if you need them and contribute to the community . Various opportunities to help out are at the Library . Teen volunteers will need to fill out a form and get a parent / guardian signature .
Reading Buddies Tuesday afternoons at a scheduled time between 3:00 and 5:00 pm .
For more information , please contact Esperanza Pacheco at 201-568-2215 ext . 231
esperanza . pacheco @ englewood . bccls . org Hablo espanol . www . englewood library . org / teens
Inicio Fitness Exercise Class Thursdays , June 21 ; July 5 & 19 ; Aug . 2 & 16 , 7 p . m . Low impact training , alternating between different strength exercises with little rest between moves .
Meditation Wednesdays , June 27 ; July 11 , 18 & 25 ; Aug . 1 , 8 , 15 , 22 , & 29 ; September 5 , 12 , & 19 7 p . m . Meditation has been known to reduce stress , relieve pain and recharge mind and body .
Tai Chi Mondays , June 25 ; July 2 , 9 , 16 , 23 & 30 ; Aug . 6 , 13 , 20 & 27 ; September 10 & 17 , 7 p . m . Tai Chi is an internal Chinese martial art practiced for both its defense training and its health benefits .
SESCIL Book Group ( Off-site ) Thursdays , June 21 ; July 19 ; Aug . 16 ; Sept . 20 , 1 p . m . This collaboration between the library and SESCIL Senior Center ( 228 Grand Ave .) is an in-depth book discussion .
Writers ’ Group Thursdays , July 12 ; Aug . 9 ; Sept . 13 , 7 p . m . Here is a place for writers to read their work and encourage each other .
Pare Down , Cheer Up ! Tuesdays , July 17 ; Aug . 21 ; Sept . 18 , 3 p . m . This discussion / support group is for those who want to simplify their lives , whether to save money , reduce stress or transition to a more sustainable lifestyle .
Philosophy Dialogue Saturdays , June 23 ; July 7 & 21 ; Aug . 4 & 18 ; Sept . 15 , 2 p . m . A bi-weekly dialogical philosophy group that will meet for informal philosophical discussions .
Women ’ s Diversity Book Group Tuesdays , June 26 ; July 24 ; Aug . 28 6 p . m . Monthly book discussions about books whose subject material deals with women ’ s diversity .
Reiki Wellness Circle Thursday , June 21 ; July 19 ; Aug . 16 ; Sept . 20 7 p . m . Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle of channeling energy into the patient by means of touch .
In Stitches
Thursdays , July 5 & 26 ; Aug . 2 & 30 , 7 p . m . Sunday , Sept . 9 & 16 , 1:30 pm This informal and popular knitting and crocheting group is for beginners and experts alike .
For a full calendar of events , visit englewoodlibrary . org .
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