SunFun Day Camp begins June 25
Quarterly property taxes due Aug . 1
Summer activities abound at local organizations
Age-Friendly Englewood , a coalition of more than 50 organizations working with the City of Englewood to help older adults agein-place with dignity and independence , wants to remind everyone that Englewood offers a broad range of summer-time activities for people of all ages . Here are some of the local organizations that have summer programs :
• Englewood Department of Parks & Recreation – 201-568-3472
• Englewood Public Library – 201-568- 2215
Environmental Commission encourages use of reusable bags
The average American family accumulates around 60 plastic bags per month , and with approximately 10,500 households , Englewood residents accumulate 630,000 plastic bags every month .
The Englewood Environmental Commission would like to encourage residents to use reusable bags at the grocery store as well as other shopping destinations .
The key is remembering to bring the reusable bags to the store . Keep them in your car at all times as a reminder , and be sure to wash your reusable bags in hot water to reduce the risk of bacteria from repeated use . You can also purchase reusable produce bags .
SunFun Day Camp begins June 25
Come join Englewood Recreation for a fun-filled summer ! SunFun Day Camp runs for nine weeks beginning June 25 . It is filled with exciting , action packed activities such as swimming , boating , fishing , special events and much more .
There are two ful-day trips offered per week and we are excited to be adding in an additional camp out for a total of the spectacular overnight experiences .
Sample trips include Rye Playland , Funplex , Action Park and Tomahawk Lake and camp outs include Knoebels Amusement Park , White Water Challengers and Club Getaway .
Summer is a great time for swimming ! Once again Mackay and Tryon pools will be open for public swim the summer beginning on Friday , June 22 .
Registration is also open for 2018-19 SunFun at McCloud After School Program which will service grades 3-5 at the McCloud School . Afterschool schedule consists of home work time and recreational activities which include various sports , dance , crafts and much more .
On half days , students are taken on local trips to places such as Urban Air , Dave n ’ Busters , Bowtie Cimemas , Space and more .
All registration may be done online at register . community pass . net \ Englewood . For further information , please email us at recreation @ cityofenglewood . org or call 201-568-3472 .
• Flat Rock Brook Nature Center – 201- 567-1265 - 3 + miles of trails are open dawn to dusk daily ; the Center also runs summer camp programs , hosts guided walks and a variety of other programs in Englewood ’ s own urban forest !
• Kaplen JCC on the Palisades – 201-569- 7900 - hosts summer camps and a broad range of activities for people of all ages .
• Palisades Interstate Park – 201-768- 1360
• SESCIL ( South East Senior Center for Independent Living ) 201-569-4080 – hosts a
variety of fitness and recreational classes , plus dental and medical services .
• Senior Source in The Shops at Riverside ( Riverside Square ) – 201-342-0962 offers activities free of charge weekday mornings through early afternoon .
• Women ’ s Rights Information Center – 201-568-1166 - offers programs mostly ( but not always ) for women of all ages .
There ’ s also Juneteenth in mid-June , Sidewalk Sale later in the summer , July 4th celebration , and myriad activities for all residents .
Quarterly property taxes due Aug . 1
The next quarterly due date for property taxes is Aug . 1 .
For your convenience , the Tax Collector ’ s Office will extend its hours to 8 p . m . on Aug . 6 . As always , the last day to pay to avoid interest charges is the 10th of the month .
Please remember if you would like a receipt for your tax payment , the entire tax bill must be submitted at the time of payment or your cancelled check will be your receipt .
Also , the City of Englewood will be having the annual Tax Sale on Dec . 20 . Any delinquencies after Nov . 11 may be subject to the Tax Sale process .
If you have any questions you can contact the Tax Collector at 201-871-6607 or jdemaio @ cityofenglewood . org .
EVERY FRIDAY , JUNE 1THRU OCTOBER 26 11:00AM TO 6:00PM • DEPOT SQUARE PARK ( Corner of North Van Brunt Street and Demarest Avenue )
FREE PARKING in the municipal lot across from the market .
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For more information call 201-871-6645
Shop-Englewood . com • Facebook . com / englewoodchamberofcommerce # englewoodchamberofcommerce # shopenglewood
2 JUNE 2018 MyEnglewood