My Writing Portfolio A Wild Obsession | Page 5

tied together logically. Basically, the article did not make sense and did not achieve its’ purpose of persuading the readers of the opposing view concerning exotic pets. Where do wild animals truly belong? If you’re smart or sharp enough, you can figure it out pretty quickly considering that the answer is actually there in the question. They belong in the wild. If they belonged in the backyard of some oligarch with questionable tastes, they would be called otherwise. It’s as simple as that. And the first two articles above portray and persuade that wild animals belong in the wild and that exotic pet trade must be completely banned, and the last article’s petty attempt to convince the readers otherwise, that keeping wild animals as pets isn’t as bad as it sounds and it should be legal, clearly failed. Being persuasive isn’t just about the title one holds, it’s about how they use their knowledge and the information they possess in an effective manner so as to make the readers buy what they’re selling. It’s about appealing to the reader through credibility, emotion and logic, for they are the most important modes of persuasion. 5