My Psychotherapist Why You Need to Invest in Life Coaching | Page 9

3. Provides an Outside Viewpoint One reason why many people fail at something is due to that inner voice discouraging their capabilities. Do you always hear a voice telling you that you cannot make it or something is too complicated for you to handle? Life coaching helps you view things from a third party’s point of view. The coach presents issues from an outside viewpoint that you ever considered before. They instill self-belief which is the first step in accomplishing your goals. 4. Promotes Self-Accountability Many people think that a life coach is like an accountability partner. However, this is not true. Life coaching is not meant for you to be accountable to another individual. After all, you won’t e coached forever, and once training is over, you may relapse to your old ways since the coach won’t always be there to monitor. Instead, life coaching helps you develop the best kind of accountability – self-accountability. This is where you are accountable to yourself. You set goals and adhere to them without external pressure. You create rewards and punishments for yourself and follow through with them.