My portfolio teaching practice 2 training | Page 8

T : Ok . Good . Now close your books . Stnad up and puta ll the tables against the Wall .
When you rached . Now close your books you should have paused , and your voice should have increaded marginally in volume and risen in pitch considerably to highlight the change in activity .
Using students ’ names
Why should you learn and use students ’ names ? It is importan to make sure you know everyone ’ s name and that they know both yours and each othe ’ s as quickly as posible , because it is an important first step toward establishing rapport with the group .¡ It helps créate a friendly , coopeative atmosphere .
How can you learn their names ?
You can help yourself and the students learn names by : getting the students to introduce each other to you and then going round the class in random order two or three times or keeping a register . This Will be required of your anyway , but checking a registrer openly at he beginning of a class is a useful reminder for you .
3 Managing resources
The teacher can use different resources in order to make lessons more interesting and effective .
The board
All classrooms have a board could be white , black or green . It is essential , to organize your use of it to obtain the maximum effect .
Four basic prerequisites :
1-Start with a clean board that only has on it what you have just put on . Don ’ t star your lesson with the remains of someone else ’ s still up .
2- Write legibly and neatly . If necessary , get some practice outside class time .
3-Use the right implement . Don ’ t make the mistake of using a pen which can ´ t be wiped off ¡ ce .
4-Try to keep the board as clear , as straightforward and as easy to read as possible .
What sort of things will be put on the board ? Will probably fall into one of the following categories : Permanent or reference material