do or a problem to be solved and they must do what they would do in the circumstances . Some simulations are quite complex , with new information being fed in as the activity proceeds . There are a number of commercially available simulations , especially in the form of computer software , Simulations , however , can be quite simple . Generally , he more realistic they are , the more likely the students will be to participate .
Most fully-fledged discussions ( as opposed to small ones that arise naturally in response to something immediate like the day ยด s news ) take a lot of preparation if the teacher is not going to dominate . However , discussions with a class can be successful if you can ensure that :
The students are interested in the subject and have ideas of their own about it .
The activity has sufficient motivating factors in its structure to create the need to speak .
The students have the language to discuss what they are supposed to discuss this may include particular structures and vocabulary .
How can you stimulate discussion ? These are a few ways of structuring discussion : Modifying statements Sequencing statements Defending statements Problem solving Moral issues Describing and comparing How can you organize discussion in large classes ? Groupwork
Rather than try to include the whole class in a discussion , it is often better to divide the class into groups so that a number of parallel discussion can take place . In this way more , students get a chance to speak , although it is more difficult for the teacher to monitor . At the end of the discussion phase there can be period when the whole class comes together to compare conclusion .