My Portfolio 2017 parcial 5.2 | Page 8

Chapter 7. DESCRIPTION The process of describing the structure of phrases and sentences in such a way that we account for all the grammatical sequences in a language and rule out all the ungrammatical sequences is one way of defining REFLECTIONS ON EACH TOPIC This is other important chapter place where I learn more about grammar important aspect in English, since is the set of structural rules governing the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural grammar. It is the kind of definition assumed when we talk about the grammar of English as opposed to the grammar of Swahili, Tagalong or Turkish. As illustrated in Chapter 6, each of these languages has different ways of forming grammatical phrases and sentences. Studying grammar in this way has a very long tradition. language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field includes phonology, morphology, and syntax.