My Portfolio 2017 parcial 5.2 | Page 15

Parallel text. DESCRIPTION REFLECTIONS ON EACH TOPIC The Parallel text is the a way of work with students, and is a form for A parallel text is a text placed alongside its translation or translations. Parallel text alignment is the identification of the learn more and you can work with books and this area since is a good corresponding sentences in both halves of the parallel text. The Loeb form for practice and learn more about English, when talk about the Classical Library and the Clay Sanskrit Library are two examples of dual- parallel text is a place that, contain the original languages and a language series of texts. Reference Bibles may contain the original languages and a translation, or several translations by themselves, for translation, or several translations by themselves, for ease of comparison ease of comparison and study; Origen's Hexapla (Greek for "sixfold") and study. Also is a form for practice the reading of course with you work placed six versions of the Old Testament side by side. The most famous example is the Rosetta Stone. with books in this area of parallel text.