From James Bond to broken boots
Caron Kemp
father-of-two has swapped the glamour of James Bond ?lms for “the community feel” of Pinner having taken over the cobblers on Marsh Road. 34-year-old Paul Maguire trained originally as a cobbler before taking a carpentry course and working on ?lm sets, including two Bond movies. But when the opportunity arose for him to buy Pinner Shoe Repairs in July he jumped at the PAuL MAguIre has taken over Pinner shoe repairs in chance to own his own business. Marsh road following a career working on ?lm sets “For me this is a great opportunity to be my own Paul is con?dent that he has something di?erent to o?er boss doing something I love,” he explains. residents. “I really enjoyed working on all the ?lm sets but shoe “If people give me a chance I assure them I will be repairing is a trade that runs through my family and I am cheaper than the big chain stores and moreover will so excited to be back in it and in such a lovely area with provide a better quality of service and do ?????????????t???????????????????????????????????????????$??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????t?A???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????A?????????A??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????()((?()Q????????????????????????????????????((0