My Pinner News September 2013 | Page 44

Kara Lines of The Attic gallery in High Street, Pinner, takes a monthly look at the local arts scene... I t's back to basics for September with an exhibition of paper. Papermaking dates back to the 2nd Century and the process is still relatively the same today. Danila Narcisi is a paper artist and conservator. Her conservator credentials are impressive and when she's not restoring paper-based works for some of our top national museums and galleries, she is hard at work experimenting, incorporating threads, metals and photography into her work. The form in itself is beautiful, with the introduction of other materials highlighting the papers' di?erent qualities. Sometimes it is delicate, transparent, and other times it looks hard like rock, like the remnants of a once-erupted volcano. At the same time as Danila's exhibition you can view some very di?erent paper forms by Diane Reade. She creates papier-mâché forms from cotton ?bres to create butter?ies pinned into frames and handbags with their contents revealed in relief. Diane's work is surprisingly witty and incredibly elegant. Over at Harrow Arts Centre you can see Male, an exhibition of new sculptures, drawings and prints by artist Cheryl Gould. Cheryl works from observation and amongst her work is depictions of dancers and athletes. You will not be disappointed and if you fancy a try yourself, Cheryl holds life drawing classes on Friday mornings at Harrow Arts Centre, starting September 20. Paper: Here I Am is on at The Attic, High street, Pinner, september 6 to september 12 Monday - saturday. diane reade's work is downstairs in Lines throughout september. Male is at The gallery, Harrow Arts Centre, september 4 to september 29, with the opportunity to meet Cheryl on Thursday, september 12, 6-8pm in Kenton room. 44 To advertise your business call 07725 554 902