My Pinner News September 2013 | Page 39

Shahin Farjami is owner of OutFit4U and o?ers PACE Personal Training - hen I was asked to write a column on ?tness for Your Pinner News I initially thought wow there is so much I could write about. People want to get ?t or stay ?t for so many di?erent reasons. We want to look good on our holidays or keep up with the kids. Some of us set our heights higher and have a particular event we are in training for like a run or triathlon. Whether it’s to become stronger, faster, lighter, train for a speci?c event or just improve general ?tness, we all consider physical challenges at some point in our lives. W I thought that for our ?rst chat we should discuss something common to all of us in our ?tness quests. Sticking to those ?tness goals can be quite a challenge, but here are a few simple tips to help you keep on track. Not all of these motivational techniques will work for all of you all of the time, but there should be something in there for you in your time of need. Keep it simple and personal It may sound simple, but generic “get ?t” resolutions can be forgotten all too easily. Making your goals simple yet signi?cantly meaningful to you can make them last long in your memory. This keeps targets more relevant and achievable. Perhaps a letter to yourself? Get a catchphrase I’m not talking Brucie here, but a slogan or personal motto can be a great short sharp prompt in the right direction. There are plenty of generic ones out there for you to choose from or you could come up with your own. Going for something that helps you when you are most likely to need it is always a good move. For example choosing something to get you started in the ?rst place or to keep you going at the right pace. The camera never lies This can be cruel at times, but speaking from experience I know it works. Before and after photos taken at the right intervals in your programme can be very motivational. Take a body shot on day one and then give it at least a month to 6 weeks before your ?rst “after” photo. Monthly after that should work for most general ?tness programmes. In addition to all that you could come to our local outdoor ?tness sessions or book some personal training and allow us to gently nudge you in the right direction. Some online feedback on what we should discuss next month would be great. Shahin Farjami outFit4u & PACe Personal Training Tel: 07941 243536 39 To advertise your business call 07725 554 902