This month we look at Harrow Talking Newspaper with Barbara Turner.
s you look through this by a volunteer who edition of Your Pinner explains and demonstrates News, just pause for a its use. This is a free moment to think of local service. residents who cannot do so In addition to the weekly because of a sight impairment. news, a magazine with You may know someone like local information and that, and it may be that they articles of interest to our would value receiving local listeners is added to the news in audio form. recording about six times Harrow Talking Newspaper a year, as is the council volunteers provide audio recordings for the (HTN) has a team of volunteers magazine, Harrow People. vIsuALLY IMPAIred who every week produce an If you know someone audio recording, based on the service for the visually impaired. They who might bene?t from this service, local newspapers. are played on digital players, which please encourage them to leave The recordings are distributed on are about the size of a brick (shown their contact details with sheila memory sticks in returnable wallets above). The player is supplied by HTN Cole on 8866 3972 and we will using the Post O?ce free delivery and is delivered to each new listener arrange a visit.
got a story or issue in the village you want us to investigate call Jerry on 0203 478 2222
To advertise your business call 07725 554 902