It’s show time for the village
Nigel Shock, Pinner Rotary President, said: “We always keep our ?ngers crossed for good weather, as more people come along if it is a lovely day.
The village show is on sATurdAY sePTeMBer 14
There will also be a variety of charity and craft stalls, classic car display, fun fair and coconut shy. Entry is free, although programmes will be for sale. Nigel said: “Even though we don’t set out to make money as it is community event any pro?t is a bonus and goes to charity.” This year 50% of money raised will go to the president’s charity, Kids Can Achieve, a local organisation which provides care and support for children with special needs and their families. The remaining 50% will be distributed to local charities. The show runs from 11am to 4pm. All are welcome. Come and visit the Your Pinner News stall for a chat on the day.
“But people are very loyal, rain, hail or shine, the locals are always very good to us.” The show began in the 1980s thanks to the hard work of Pinner Round Table. Pinner Rotary Club has been organising the show since 2005. Nigel said: “I suppose you could say we are a well-oiled machine. As we have organised it for so many years we have a number of very experienced people on board.” This year’s show will include an array of food and refreshments including a beer and Pimms tent, cake stall and Indian food o?ering.
Bronwyn Bidwell
he organisers of this year’s Pinner Village Show are hoping the sun shines on Saturday, September 14 – so as many people as possible turn out for the popular annual local event.
The village show, organised by Pinner Rotary and held at Pinner Memorial Park, attracts thousands of people, young and old, every year.
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