Bridge Street co?ee shop making digital history
‘card’ and the ability to set up “My Usual” – which is a customer’s favourite co?ee, from ?at white to macchiato, crafted exactly to their taste by o?ering options to adjust how many shots, size, temperature, and type of milk.
Harris + Hoole in Bridge street is o?ering a Free CoFFee for every download of its ground breaking app
Mother-of-two, Sandra Yates, 33, of Paines Lane, said: “Anything which will eliminate the need to queue has got to be good. I’ve two young children and they run all over the place while we are queuing wherever we go so if I can just grab my co?ee and go that’ll be great.” Her husband, Charlie, a company director, YH{? \?[?Z?H?H[?[H\?H?ZY?8?']??[??H???YXK?H?\?^H??[X???[???Y][???[Z[\?]8?&Y?H?X?H??[???Y?H??[?]?HH??[??Z][????YK??'HH??YH??? YH\??? \?Y?]]?\?H???Y???][?\???\?]H\H\??H[??X\????\??\?
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